My name is Zoe. I am a French photographer based in Paris. I love capturing street life scenes and for me, the images that appear mundane at first sight often convey the strongest feelings and have the most impact. I particularly like the analog, as the film has something special… 

What I’m looking for in the film, is the natural, the raw, the instinctive.

I also take self-portraits and the film helps me to see the true reflection of myself.  It does not cheat.

When was your first picture taken? 

I can’t remember exactly the first time I took a picture but in my earliest memories as a little girl, I remember wanting to immortalize the precious moments I had spent with those who meant the most to me, my family, my friends and my cat Marius (who is no longer among us unfortunately).

How do you put the person, place, or thing  in front of the camera onto  film, chip, or paper  the way you want it to?

For street photography as for my self-portraits, the elements that guide my eye to compose my frame are light and lines. I mainly work in black and white because these two elements stand out in an obvious way for me.

What photographers have influenced you, and how have they influenced the way you approach your subject

I feel close to the photographic writing of humanist photographers Sabine Weiss and Vivian Maier and perhaps also to their frank and poetic gaze on the street.

What exactly do you want to say with your photos, and how do you make your photos do that?

The photo is, for me, a way to show people how I see what surrounds me. I am inspired by each encounter I have in the street and feed on the scenes of life that I witness. I like to depend on what falls on me, which I didn’t necessarily expect. People are my main source of inspiration.

What photographic gears do you use to stay focused on what you do best when shooting?

I generally use devices that allow me to take photos instinctively. The Canon A1 is, for me the one that allows it the most.

Any technology/software/hardware?

Needing to make few modifications on my photos, the Lightroom software is enough. Retouching is limited to correcting exposure, contrast and sharpness.

What motivates you to continue taking pictures? Is it political, intellectual or emotional?

Photography is an incredible tool for defending ideas, fighting injustice, informing and also dreaming!

I do not talk openly about my commitments but I think that if you look at my photo, you can easily perceive them.

For me, photography is above all a way to convey emotions!

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