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Portrait photography

Shot by Justyna Neryng

Justyna Neryng is a Polish born ,self-taught photographic artist, with a background in fashion and painting. She works with analogue and digital medium format cameras with a particular interest in portraiture and the human body. What inspired you to pursue self-portrait nude and portrait photography asa career Self portraiture is something I find increasingly fascinating. Obviously we are nottalking about

Shot By Joshua June

Hello I’m Joshua June. When was your first picture taken? My first photograph was taken during a film school project, we had to tell a story with five images on slide film. How do you put the person, place, or thing in front of the camera onto film, chip, or paper the way you

Shot By Patrick Stevens

My name is Patrick Stevens, I’m a street photographer living in San Francisco, CA. I’ve been shooting street daily for the past 3 years. I shoot primarily black and white as I prefer the esthetic and it also helps simplify my decision making process on the streets. I’m inspired by

Shot by Zoe Hibert

My name is Zoe. I am a French photographer based in Paris. I love capturing street life scenes and for me, the images that appear mundane at first sight often convey the strongest feelings and have the most impact. I particularly like the analog, as the film has something special… What

Shot By Serge Milyas

Serge Smelyan When was your first picture taken? The first picture was taken in 1994/1995, when I was 11/12 years old. It was a kind of reportage of the funeral. How do you put the person, place, or thing in front of the camera onto film, chip, or paper the way you want